Saturday, 27 June 2015

Chapter 3

Welcome back to my Legacy.

Priscilla wanted to change her looks, which it made her happier.

I think the clothes suit her just fine.

Patrick loves to play with the space ship toy outside.

"Hey William, you seem to like the treadmill a lot." I said to him. "I know, it will keep me in shape."Said William.

"It looks like Patrick is active boy."I said to the Hartnells. "He sure is."Priscilla said to me.

"I also love to jog as well."Said William as he takes off. "You just be careful."I said as he takes off around the corner.

"Just working on my logic."Said Priscilla. "It never hurts to have skills up."I said.

"I am trying to play with my son.."Said William as he goes to the toy spaceship.

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked William as I see him with a remote. "I saw this and I wanted to try something."He said to me.

So you don't know what is going on when you use that remote?"I ask him. "Nope I sure don't."Replies William as he looks around.

"I see something but I have no clue what it is."Said William as he looks up.

"There  is a bright light around you."I said a bit worried. "It is pulling me up."Said William.

"Hey Priscilla, did you know where William went?"I asked her. "I know he was playing with the dish, please let me concrete playing chess with Patrick."Said Priscilla.

"I am glad you made it hoke safe."I said to William. "Thanks, I have no idea what happen when I was up there."Said William as he enters his home.

"Working on skills?"I ask William. "Yes, I don't mind if I do."Said William.

"Hi Patrick, taking a break from playing chess?"I ask him. "Yes, my mind needs the break."Said Patrick

"What is wrong with you?"I asked William. "I have no idea."Said William as he touches his stomach.

"What is you guess what your son wants to be when he is older?"I asked William. "He can be anything he wants to be. Why?"He asks me. "To me he wants to go into space he spends time on the spaceship a lot."I replied.

"Learning how to play the violin?"I asked Patrick. "Yes, I know I will get better at it."Said Patrick.

"Just hanging out with my son for awhile."Said William to me.

"I see Priscilla loves to paint."I said as I notice her at the easel. "Yup, she is getting pretty good at it too."Said William as he goes to the treadmill.

"Are you gaining weight?"I asked William. "No, not with the workouts I have been doing."Said William as he looks at his stomach.

"Working on something or just browsing?"I asked William. "Just browsing."Said William.

"Are you learning how to draw?"I asked Patrick. "Yes, it is fun, I know once I am older I will try the easel."Said Patrick.

"You been on the computer for awhile."I said to William. "Yes, I am writing a book."Said William. "Cool, it will help with the money as well."I said as William nods his head in agreement.

"You better be careful, William was playing with that and It did something to him."I said to Priscilla.

"Here we go again."I said as I notice the light.

"Welcome back."I said to Priscilla. "Thanks."She said as she lands on her feet.

"You are starting to sound a little better Patrick."I said to him as I notice him on the violin again. "Thanks, I am not giving up at all."He said.

"It looks like you are trying to paint as well."I said to William. "Yup, I am also enjoying it as well."Said William. "Is your stomach getting a bit bigger?"I asked him. "I think so. I hear what happen to Priscilla, I hope she is OK."Said William. "She is."I replied.

"You also like the monkey bars as well."I said to Patrick." Yup, it is fun."Said Patrick as he goes back and forth.

"Is your stomach glowing?"I asked William. "Yes, but I have no idea why."Said William as he looks at his stomach.

"Practicing typing Patrick?"I asked Patrick. "Yes, it will be a skill I might need for a job."He said. "I agree you never know what you are going to be yet."I said.

"Good Priscilla is taking a nap, so I wont bug her."I said quietly.

"I am think you are expecting."I said to William. "Are you crazy, men can't get pregnant at all."Said William a bit angrily at me.

"It seems you should be in the music career, if you get really good at the violin."I said to Patrick. "I might or I might pick something else."Said Patrick.

"What happen to you? It looks like you are expecting as well."I said to Priscilla***. "I know, but I am not too sure if it was the night I played with the dish."

"It looks like Patrick does not see to notice at all."I said to Priscilla. "No, I am worried about Willaim thou."Said Priscilla.

"I know I even I said something and he got a little angry at me."I said to Priscilla.

"Trying out your BBQ?"I ask William. "Yes, I am hoping I wont burn the food."Said William.

"I see Patrick found a friend to play with."I said to William.

"He is welcome to play here at any time."Said William as he calls everyone for supper.

"It looks weird seeing both you in that shape." I said to them. "Shut up."Said William to me.

"Love is so strong between you both."I said to them. They both nodded their heads.

"I am guessing selling your books, and there is that glow again."I said to William. "I know it is puzzling me as well."Said William.

"Getting better and better at the violin."I said to Patrick. "Yup, I am hoping to reach level 10."Said Patrick. "I just check your stats you are level in creativity already."I said to Patrick. "Cool, I want to do the other ones as well."Said Patrick. "I say go for it, nothing is stopping you at all."I said.

"Are you sure you want to try to use the machine in your condition?" I ask Priscilla. "It wont harm the baby, if I am pregnant or not."Said Priscilla.

"Working on another book?"I asked William. "Yes, I need to do that for my job."Said William. "Hey at least you can do that at home.

"OK, I am feeling really bad pain now."Said William as he stands up. "I suggest go to the hospital and see if they can find out why."I said to William.

"Going into a delivery room?" I asked William. "Yes, they say I am pregnant."Said William as he climbs into the machine.

"Well?"I asked William. "I had a girl, I named her Susan****"Said William. "That is a pretty name for a girl.

"I am glad she is healthy as well. She is purple skin?"I asked William. "Yes, I still love her."Said William as he cuddles Susan.

"I am hoping she will be a good baby."Said William as he feeds her.

"Priscilla why did you break the toy house."I said to her. "I wanted to."She siad to me. "What if Patrick saw that?"I asked her.

"I hope you don't mind if I take a picture of Susan."I said to William. "Nope I sure don't."Replies William.

"A parent job isn't done."I said to William. "I agree."Said William as he changes Susan's diaper.

"I will let you go, and get a routine for Susan, I will be back later to check you and the family."I said as I leave.

*** I have a mod that is able to get elders pregnant and  summons the aliens. If you are interested in this mod please let me know and I will get you the link to the mod.

**** Susan is the First Doctor's granddaughter 

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