Saturday, 6 June 2015

Chapter 2

Welcome back to my legacy :D

"Hey it is nice to hear you Goddess."Said William  as he working on his logic skill

"Still working on the logic skill?"I asked him. "Yes, it will be a but fun if I had someone else to play with."Said William.

"I almost forgot to put these books away." Said William as he notices the books still laying on the ground.

"I still need to read as well for my job."Said William as he grabs a book to read.

"Getting a bit hungry now."I said to him. "Yes, I been reading how to cook and it is making me hungry."Said William as he starts to cook,

"It looks good to eat myself." I said to him. "If I known you want some I could made more."Said William as he sits down and starts to eat.

"I thought I put away the books already?"Said William as he notices more. ."I was a sneak and bought you more."I said to him.

"I am thinking of getting married, if I find a girl that I get along with."Said William as he takes out his cell phone. "Good luck."I said to him.

"What is this place?"I ask him. "A fruit drink bar. I am hoping I will find a a woman here."Said William as he goes and grabs a drink.

"I think this lady is married."I said to him. "That is fine, there is nothing wrong being friends."Said William as he starts talking to her.

"I agree there, what is her name?"I ask him. "Cora Crespo."Said William as he goes for another drink.

"William I see another lady outside."I said to him. "Cool, I will check it out."Said William as he excuse himself away from Cora.

"I can tell you are hitting it off with her."I said. "Yes, her name is Priscilla." Said William as he uses a bow on her. "I am hoping you are not to harm her."I said to him. "No, it wont hurt."Said William.

"OK, I will keep quiet and let you do your thing." I said to him.

"First kiss as well."I said as I watch. "Yes, I already asked her to be my girlfriend as well."William said to me.

"I see you are at home, with her."I said. "Yes, I invited her over and we totally fell in love with each other. Plus I already asked her to move in as well."Said William.

"I am hoping I am not getting ahead of myself here."Said William as he kneels down on one knee. "Same here, I am crossing my fingers for you."I said.

"She said yes, I am so happy, Priscilla wants to get married now."Said William. "Wow that is fast."I said.

"Welcome to the family Priscilla."I said. "Who said that?"Said Priscilla. "That is the Goddess."Said William as he tells her about me. "OK, I can live with that,"Said Priscilla as she goes to the chess table with William


"I wish we have a complete home."Said William as he does fun stuff with his wife. "Soon, At least she has a job as well."I said.

"Expecting?"I said to Priscilla. "Yes, I am hoping William will be happy."Said Priscilla. "I am sure he will.

"I am so happy that I going to be a father, I don't care what gender the baby is."Said William as he grabs a book to read. "That want counts that you will love the baby as your wife."I said.

"I am writing as well, Just for the fun of it."Said Priscilla. "If you sell your books you will get money as well."I said to her.

"You do have enough money to get a baby room. Let me do the magic for you."I said as I do my job. "You don't know the gender of the baby."Said William and Priscilla at the same time. "I don't think they care what color the room is."I said to both of them.

"Being pregnant is hard, I am hungry all the time,"Said Priscilla as she works in the kitchen.

"I see William is getting a bit hungry as well."I said as I notice him in the kitchen.

"What is wrong William?" I ask him. "I feel so dizzy for no reason."Said William. "Try some tea and lie down it might work."I said to him. "OK."Said William as he does what I said to him.

"Learning how to paint?"I ask Priscilla. "Yes, it will help with the money as well."Priscilla said to me.

"Don't break the stove William."I said as I notice he is hammering his food. "I wont, the eggs got stuck in the pan."Said William as he tries to get them loosen up.

"I am guessing William got a computer from his work?"I said to Priscilla. "Yes, it is handy when we both want to use the computer. "I agree there." I said.

"I am also working on the other computer as well, I know I want to replace this one, but that will happen later thou."Said William. "I agree there." I said.

"Got a bit bored with the computer so I decided to play chess for a bit."Said Willaim as he tries to make a move.

"How come I feel so sleepy."Said William as he stands up and pass out onto the ground.

"William?!"I said as I watch as he passed out. "He will be OK, I had to use the dish to get rid of Bella."Said Priscilla. "Thank goodness for that."I said as I notice she isn't out cold. "I think I am in labor now."Said Priscilla as she wait until William comes around. "Wow, that was fast."I said.

"At least William is awake now and you are heading to the hospital."I said to them. "Yes." They said at once.

"Just walk carefully."I said to her. Priscilla can only nod as she walks to the room.

"What a weird machine. I am hoping it will help with the baby."I said as I watches.

"Congrats on the baby, William."I said to him. "Thanks, we had a boy and he is the heir his name is Patrick**"Said William as he works on the computer.

"Nice name, he got Priscilla's skin tone."I said to him. "Yes, I was hoping he will have mine, but I will still love him.

"As a present for you and your family I will work on your home."I said. "Cool, Priscilla will love that she is at work now."Said William

"It looks like some one wants attention."I said. "Yup, with our work we don't have to send him to daycare."Said William.

"It looks like Priscilla loves the house."I said to William. "She does, and I love how we spend time with our son and our hobbies as well."Said William.

"I could tell you love your son."I said to William. "Yup, once he is older He can do anything he wants to be."Said William as he cuddles Patrick.

"It is Patrick's birthday already? It seems he was just born."I said to Priscilla. "I agree, I will be happy no more diapers."Said Priscilla.

"Patrick didn't want a picture until he did a makeover."I siad to William. "I don't blame him."Said William. "He sure looks good, I am hoping he will get the blue hair when he is older."I said to them. "We need wait and see."Said Priscilla.

"I need more skills to level four so I am practicing my talking in the mirror."Said William to me. "At least it is a skill."I said.

"Hey Patrick, going after your parents with the chess table?"I ask him. "Yes, it id fun to play as well."Said Patrick. "That is my boy."Said William from the other room.

It is someone birthday?" I ask them. "Yes, it is mine."Said Priscilla as she goes to the cake.

"Happy birthday, Do you want to change your looks or keep what you had before?"I  ask her. "I have no idea yet, I need to think about that."Said Priscilla to me. "I still love you, I dont care what you look like, you are my wife and mom to my son."Said William to her. "I better head out and check what is going on the the world I will be back."I said as I leave them.

**Patrick Thougton is the second actor to play the Doctor in the TV series.

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