Saturday, 30 May 2015

Chapter one

Welcome to sim world, where anything can happen to any sim out there.

I am the goddess that lives in the sim world. I watch the sims and see how far the sims can go.

Here is William Hartnell the first actor that played the Doctor in the TV series. (I know he does not look like him.

William love the outdoors, bookworm,quick learner,and genius.

As you can tell he doesn't have much of a house, at least his bathroom is in a complete room.

He is learning how to write a story. Or finding a job,  he did find a job as a writers assistant.

Part of his job is to read books, which will be fun to do.

I am guessing reading is making a bit tired. At least the bed is close by.

He is getting a bit hungry and plus it will bring up a skill as well. 

"Hey don't burn yourself." I yelled to him. "Who said that?"Said William as he jumps when he heard my voice.

"Let's say I am a goddess, that created you."I said. As I get a glare look from him. "Don't worry, You are the only one can hear me, and when the heir is born he or she will as well."I said to him. "You are going to follow me and see what I do as well?" He asks me. "Yes,I am."I replied. "Cool, it will be fun, I think." William said to me.

"I hope you don't mind that I start to read again?"He said as he pulls out a book. "Nope, I don't" I replied

"I am guess being alone in a empty lot can be lonley." Is said to him. "Yes, that is why I went into a chat room. Plus working on a novel as well, I am sure it will come in handy for bills." Said William as he goes to his computer.

Going to publish the first book?" I asked him. "Yes, I am hoping it the other simmers will enjoy it."He said as he brings out his cell phone.

"Going somewhere?" I asked him. "Yes, I want to meet other simmers as well, So I am heading to the library to check it out.

 I did meet other simmers as well, chat for a bit and I read as well.

"After awhile I got a bit hungry, so I head home and made me some food"Said William. "Good idea." I said as I watches him cook again.

"I hope you don't mind if I buy some more books?"Said William. "No, when you need to read you can skill at the same time."I said as I watches him to put the books away.

"I better head and check out the other sim for awhile, I will be back." I said. "OK, one question do you if I am going to get married or get abducted?"He asks me. "I really don't know yet, it also depends on you as well."I said.  "OK, I will think about it as well." He said as I floated away.


Here is my Legacy I am just staring out.

My founder name is William Hartnell who was the first Doctor in the TV series. I am going to try to use all the actors names as the males and the companions as well. The heir can be a male or female. I am not scoring for points just doing for just the fun of it.